How APRs are calculated

What is APR and APY?

APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate and is as the name suggests the rate of return you would receive over the year for staking in a given pool if the value of your capital as well as the value of the reward coin don't change in this time. At MiniVerse Finance we also quote the daily APR which is the return you receive daily for staking in a pool, this is simply calculated by dividing the APR by 365.

APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield and is the compounded return you would receive over the year. Due to compounding APY figures quoted are higher than APRs. In MiniVerse Finance all returns are labelled as APR not APY as rewards are not automatically compounded, if you compound your returns which we recommend you do you will have a higher yield.

You can read more on the differences between APR and APY here:

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